The doctor's office is notorious for long waits and long delays. Those books and magazines in the waiting room seem to scream germs and disease. The Kindle app will download children's books, chapter books, and for the arms folded, anxious tween, Twilight. Read them while you are waiting. Use the white board application to allow kids to draw without making a mess. If the children are preoccupied, moms can use Remember the Milk to make and manage a to do list while they wait.
If you decide to treat your kids to a food or a day out, there's an app for that. GoodFoodNearYou just need a zip code or current location to be able to direct you to the nearest health restaurant options in the area. For the more indecisive of families, has an app that let's you choose what ingredients you have and the amount of time you have to prepare your meal, then shake your phone, and it will spit out a recipe for you. The same idea applies for Kidtivities. Kidtivities gives suggestions for indoor and outdoor activities for children and directs you to places that will be kid friendly.
Finally, for the new parents of today, there's an app for you. If you forgot your baby monitor at home, place your phone near your sleeping baby. When the baby wakes up, your iPhone will call the phone number you choose to alert you. The iPhone has a number of teaching tools for toddlers who are just learning simple math, reading, and even sign language. And just in case your little one throws a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket or won't try vegetables, iPhone will give you the advice you need. There is an app to give on the spot parenting advice when it comes to preschoolers.