Saturday, December 12, 2009

Emerging Technologies Presentation

First, I would like to commend everyone on a superb job for our last project! I saw some really cool technologies that people found and I would say walking around to each presentation Friday was really interesting. There were incredibly medical advancements, like a bionic arm that moves itself naturally like a real arm. There was Twitter for toddlers, called Twoddler. This technology was a little odd to think about. The child has a board that they play with and what they decide to play with indicates the twitter message they send. So if they press on the picture of their mom, their Twoddler is updated to say, "[Insert name] misses their mom!" Another person presented on a 3D laptop! She made it sound like it was pretty exciting for avid gamers because it would completely revolutionize how people game online, but it is a pretty incredible technological advancement in itself. You have 3D glasses that you put on and your screen instantly becomes 3D-pretty standard. The cool thing is that when you take off the glasses you do not have the blue and red fuzzy lines that you usually would with a 3D screen. The laptop looks and operates like a normal laptop. My favorite technology that I saw was the bluetooth spying tool. The bluetooth set it so small you do not even notice it in a person's ear. This spy tool has a two way radio so you can hear what your other party is saying, but talk back to them as well. The girl presenting used the example of going on a blind date. Have the spy tool in your ear and your friends can tell you what to say and, if you want to, you can talk back to them. Your date will be none the wiser!

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